Thursday, January 4, 2007

Network Programming

Here I'll b starting a tutorial on Linux Sockets Programming .... The tutorial will be more of learning by example /....

In computing, network programming involves writing computer programs that communicate with other programs across a computer network. The program initiating the communication is client, and the program waiting for the communication to be initiated is the server. By doing so, a communication link called a connection is established. When the client establishes a connection, it is able to send requests, which the server fulfills by performing some service to the connecting program.

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Thats mee ...

Thats mee ...

About Me

Delhi, Delhi, India
I am an Electrical Engineering student of Indian Institute of Technology, Delhi. I am currently in 5th year of my Dual Degree course. By the end of this course I will proudly be called Masters in Information and Communication Technology. I have hard core programming interest and good at Networking Fundamentals. Enjoy surfing around Linux journals.